Welcome to 41! - SuperMom Headquarters

My birthday is this week, and I'll be 41 years old! I've been reflecting a bit on the past years and looking forward to what my future years may hold. Honestly, when I was a kid, I never thought I'd live this long. To me, a depressed, bullied, and somewhat cynical kid, I thought I'd be lucky to hit 35. But 35 has come and gone, and I'm still here.

In my 41 years, I've gotten through grade and high school, took the long road through college (hello student loan debt), gotten married, and had two children. I've been an hourly worker, salaried employee, paid intern, commissioned worker, and (twice) a business owner. I've tried conforming to society, to fit in, to disappear in a way. In the last few years, I've found more of myself - mostly through conversations with many of you - and discovered that my joy is being authentically me. So who am I, you ask?

I'm Jasmine. I'm the queer, female owner of SuperMom Headquarters. If we've never met, hello! I'm a liberal Democrat, believer in science, and feminist. I hate very few people, but I roll my eyes when certain figures are brought up in conversation. I fight against racism, xenophobia, bigotry, and the patriarchy (among a plethora of other things). I'm a blue soul living in a sea of Indiana red (sigh). I'm the woman behind SMHQ. I maintain the website, create content (a skill I lack), fulfill orders, accept inventory, work pop-ups. Oh, and I cuss a little - or a lot, depending on my level of frustration. In short, I do everything. Eventually, though, my goal is to hire a few glorious people who excel in the areas I do not and empower them to help my business grow and thrive. 

I'm sure you're wondering why I'm bothering to tell you any of this. Well, I believe that you deserve to know who you're supporting when you shop through SuperMom Headquarters. I believe in transparency, and I really try to live ethically, sustainably, and with empathy for others. I hope you can see a bit of yourself in me, and I hope you can see the love and dedication I put into my business. I'm so glad you're here. If you ever need help finding a product, or you just need to chat (I so wished I fit in with the mom groups when my kids were younger), I'm here. Please just reach out. I hope you're having a wonderful day. 

BirthdayIntro post

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